Welcome to VetPath Laboratory Vetpath Laboratory is one of the premier Veterinary Reference Laboratories in the United States which provides services in the five core medical laboratory disciplines for thousands of Veterinarians nationwide.

VetPath Laboratory

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    Equine Adrenal VetPath Laboratory

    This prodecure includes Equine Adrenal Function Tests, Cortisol - Acth Stimulation Test, and more

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    HcG Stim Test VetPath Laboratory

    Equine Hcg Stimulation Test Protocol, protocol requirements for 2 hour method and 24 hour method:

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    Specimen Processing VetPath Laboratory
    Optimum specimen integrity and result reporting. Used as a guide for the drawing of blood specimens
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Mission Statement

To provide quality laboratory testing and personalized customer service to Veterinarians in all disciplines and practices by utilizing our knowledge and experience with proven laboratory systems and procedures to ensure our clients have the data for proper treatment of their patients and the trust of their owners. The Vetpath staff believes our goal is to become an integral part of your and practice to facilitate communication to ensure that all the needs of your practice are met in a timely and economical manner."